Button bowl

This bright and cheery button bowl takes a little bit of patience whilst waiting for various gluing stages to dry but it’s definitely worth it for the pretty results. It’s a great activity to try with the kids too.


What you need:

  • Bowl
  • Balloon
  • Buttons
  • PVA glue
  • Paint brush
  • Masking tape
  • Scissors
  • Push pin


Step 1

Blow up your balloon and place it knot side down into the bowl.


Step 2

Secure balloon in place with pieces of masking tape.


Step 3

Brush a very thin layer of PVA glue onto the top of the balloon as far down the sides as you like then make sure to leave the PVA glue a few minutes to allow it to go tacky.


Step 4

Starting at the top in the centre, place buttons onto the balloon where you have glued, making sure they are as close together as possible. Use smaller buttons to fill in any gaps. Cover the whole of the bottom of the balloon and up the sides until you have created an upside down bowl shape. Leave for 4 – 5 hours to dry (or preferably overnight).


Step 5

Now it’s time to add a thick layer of PVA glue on top of the buttons. There is no such thing as too much PVA for this step! The PVA glue will drip down – use a brush to direct it into any gaps. Allow to dry for 4 – 5 hours (or again preferably overnight).


Step 6

Repeat this process with another layer of PVA glue. And again, leave to dry for 4–5 hours (or preferably overnight).


Step 7

Remove the masking tape. Using a pin, pierce the balloon and carefully pull the balloon away from the inside of the button bowl. There may still be some wet glue in the placement bowl that hasn’t dried.


Step 8

The PVA glue will have dried clear. Use scissors to trim any excess dried PVA glue from the sides of your button bowl. All that’s left is to display your beautiful button bowl in pride of place for all to admire!

Please note, PVA glue is water soluble so the bowl will not be waterproof.


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The Arts in Health team relies on the goodwill of our dedicated team of volunteers. We also regularly work with professional artists and musicians on a variety of creative projects across the Trust.