We are proud to manage 3 galleries

‘Seven Hills Gallery’’ Vickers link Gallery’ & ‘Five Rivers’ across NGH and RHH. Find us easily:

Seven Hills Gallery: C Floor Northen General Hospital, near the Huntsman dining room
Vickers link Gallery’: D Floor Northen General Hospital, Vickers Link Corridor
Five Rivers: A Floor, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, opposite the entrance to the Chapel

Local artist Lauren Woodcock – cityscapes and well-loved holiday destinations

April 2022 saw the launch of a new exhibition in our Seven Hills Gallery. Chief Executive, Kirsten Major, unveiled a beautiful depiction of the iconic Clock Tower building, which the artist has kindly donated to the Trust.

Lauren, who goes by the artist name ‘MUT’, lives and works in Sheffield as a Speech and Language therapist.  She started painting more prolifically during the 2020 lockdown and has produced a number of wonderful paintings and prints of local landmarks, as well as other well-known and loved places across our wider region.

The exhibition opened on Friday 29 April in the Seven Hills Gallery on Huntsman C floor, at Northern General Hospital.

The artwork is available to purchase (originals and prints) and bespoke commissions may also be possible. Please visit our Arts Shop for more information including prices. For all sales and commission enquiries, please email sth.arts@nhs.net

We are really happy to announce the second professional artist exhibition in our Seven Hills Gallery at the Northern General Hospital.

As a local artist, inspired by the Peak District, Cath Dunn’s work captures the vibrant beauty of Sheffield's surrounding hills, moors, woodlands and treasured countryside, and brings these uplifting elements of nature inside our hospital building for all to enjoy. 

NHS staff art exhibition – mosaics and screen prints

On Friday 12 March 2021, we were delighted to unveil our first exhibition of stunning staff artwork in the gallery.

Over 30 members of staff at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals have taken part in creative skills sessions with the aim of supporting staff health and wellbeing during this challenging time. The sessions, delivered online via Microsoft Teams, were led by mosaic artist Coralie Turpin and illustrator/printmaker Jamie Mills, both based at Yorkshire Artspace.

Staff artwork will be on display until Thursday 6 May 2021 so if you are working at the Northern General Hospital, please do stop by and have a look (being careful to observe social distancing guidelines). We’re sure you will be just as impressed as we were at the beautiful work staff have produced, many of whom had never attempted mosaic making or screen printing before. The staff art club, part of our special ‘In & out of Hospital’ programme, is a partnership between the Arts in Health department at Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Yorkshire Artspace, and Museums Sheffield, and is joint funded by Sheffield Hospitals Charity and Arts Council England.

Seven Hills Gallery is located on one of our main corridors in the Huntsman building at the Northern General Hospital.

Exhibiting artwork by professional artists, and occasionally by patients and staff involved in special Arts in Health projects, we hope this space provides an unexpected opportunity for staff, patients and visitors to engage in art appreciation within a hospital environment. Certain pieces displayed may also be available to purchase.

The prelaunch on Tuesday 4 August 2020 saw Kirsten Major unveiling the stunning Wall of Thanks exhibition, which included a montage of rainbow artwork sent in by children and families of our staff as well as the local community during the Covid-19 outbreak.


The official launch of the Seven Hills Gallery took place on Monday 2 November 2020 with the unveiling of artist Clare Smith’s collection entitled, ‘Chemo Day Drawings’.

Clare Smith was chosen as the first exhibiting artist by a panel made up of members of the Arts in Health team, a senior clinician and a Trust governor. We found her work beautiful, inspirational, moving, and fully encompassing the aims of our new gallery space. The strong connection between Clare’s artwork and her own healthcare journey was a key factor in the selection. Clare really understands the therapeutic nature of drawing and being creative, especially during the challenging times in life, which resonates with our ethos here at Arts in Health.  

The Arts in Health team relies on the goodwill of our dedicated team of volunteers. We also regularly work with professional artists and musicians on a variety of creative projects across the Trust.