Seven Hills Gallery
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Providing creative activities and enhancing environments
for the benefit of our patients and staff.
At Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, we understand the powerful health and wellbeing benefits of using the arts within a healthcare setting. Whether it be displaying inspirational paintings and artwork on the walls, leading fun and creative workshops on our wards, or inviting musicians in to play everyone’s favourite songs, we strive to provide our patients, staff and visitors with the opportunity to experience and engage with the uplifting and transformative nature of the Arts in its many forms.
Read More‘If other patients had joined in, they would be better by now. If everybody knew how brilliant and happy they would feel coming to this…it is worth coming. It's better than going to the pictures! I walked in alone and I walked out with two friends. I was feeling very low but I went back to my ward feeling quite happy.’
Molly Hemstock (patient), G2 arts & crafts session
‘What a fantastic afternoon session of singing…and having fun. Not seen my mum so animated in a very long time. Fantastic staff too!’
Lynne Stringer (relative), Brearley 7 singalong/dancing session
‘Can't believe I've done this. Absolutely brilliant. Best therapy I have had since I've been here.’
Stroke patient, In & Out of Hospital art workshop
‘I couldn't believe the time when I got back to my bed. I've really enjoyed it. You've given me some hope. No, I mean that. Thank you.’
Tom (patient), Brearley 6 arts & crafts session
‘The Music in Hospitals provides a welcome distraction for our patients in Critical Care and they absolutely love it.’
Duncan Tragheim (Clinical Service Manager), Critical Care music concerts
‘I’ve enjoyed myself. It’s nice and everyone seems friendly. It’s nice to talk to someone and be answered. I only came to watch but did it all.’
Stroke patient, In & Out of Hospital art workshop
‘Lovely activity for patients to engage in, brings back so many happy memories for them and brings patients together.’
Andrea Stevens (Therapy Assistant), Brearley 7 singalong/dancing session
‘What you did with my dad, working with him in his last days, was wonderful. Thank you so much. I have the tile book at home and it means a lot.’
Relative, Palliative Care, In & Out of Hospital art workshop
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing spent two years investigating the effects of the arts on health and wellbeing and concluded that, ‘The time has come to recognise the powerful contribution the arts can make to our health and wellbeing.’
They published their report in July 2017 entitled Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing in which they present evidence which, ‘shows how arts-based approaches can help people to stay well, recover faster, manage long-term conditions and experience a better quality of life.’
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The Arts in Health team relies on the goodwill of our dedicated team of volunteers. We also regularly work with professional artists and musicians on a variety of creative projects across the Trust.